Step® 1 for Seeding Crabgrass Preventer plus lawn food 5M

Step® 1 for Seeding Crabgrass Preventer plus lawn food 5M

Scotts STEP 1 for Seeding Starter Lawn Food with Weed Preventer not only has the strength to prevent pesky weeds, but also helps grow a newly seeded/over seeded lawn. This product will prevent the toughest lawn weeds including Large crabgrass, Smooth crabgrass, Dandelion, Common Chickweed, Ground Ivy, Yellow nutsedge, and more. Scotts STEP 1 for Seeding Starter Lawn Food with Weed Preventer is for use on Kentucky Bluegrass, Tall Fescue, Perennial Ryegrass, as well as fine fescues (creeping red, chewings and hard).

  • Apply when forsythia is in bloom, usually early April
  • Apply to a dry lawn, then water in
  • Do not use on bentgrass lawns
  • May temporarily turn ryegrass white for a week or so

$59.99 / EA

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Product Details

  • Item Number 44046
  • Quantity Available 780

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