Air Plant - Large

Air Plant - Large

Tillandsia spp.
A smaller relative of the Bromeliad family, Air Plants produce a bulb-like base with thin to thick, curly leaves that are often silvery-grey to green, sometimes with pink or red coloring, and may produce a colorful flowering stalk. These plants are epiphytes, naturally growing on trees in the tropics, absorbing nutirents from the air, rain, and debris around them. As a houseplant, they can be grown in or out of soil, in small pots, hanging fixtures, or resting on a windowsill. A wonderful people and pet friendly air purifier. Grow in bright to medium, indirect lighting from an eastern or northern exposure window, or under fluorescent lighting. Prefers average to warm household temperatures, 60?-70?F. Spray mist regularly or keep soil evenly moist to slightly dry. Supply extra humidity by setting on a shallow tray of moistened pebbles. Feed with Osmocote or Miracle-Gro April-September.

  • Medium to Bright Indirect Light
  • 2-8"h x 1-10"w
  • Container Garden
  • Pleasing Foliage

$7.99 / EA

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Product Details

  • Item Number 23948
  • Quantity Available 129

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