Wooly Thyme 3.5 Inch

Wooly Thyme 3.5 Inch

Thymus spp.
This fuzzy, soft silver to dense grey groundcover is perfect for a toe tickling groundcover planted in between paving stones or over rock walls. Very compact and dense habit producing small rose colored flowers in late spring. Possesses a mild, thyme aroma and flavor that is good with fish, chicken, marinades, teas and fruit salad. Makes an excellent container plant, great companion to most herbs and vegetables, especially eggplant and cabbage. Blooms edible flowers..

  • Full Sun
  • 6" h x 12" w
  • Deer Resistant
  • Attracts Pollinators

$5.99 / EA

Product Details

  • Item Number 110301
  • Quantity Available 42

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