Strawberry 10" Hanging Basket

Strawberry 10" Hanging Basket

Fragaria spp. For 2023, 'Alexandria' is a petite, everbearing, alpine strawberry variety packed with gourmet, super sweet, wild berry flavor with a hint of raspberry tartness. Its small, fragrant, edible flowers and bright red, bite-size fruit are continuously being produced over compact, bright green foliage. This disease resistant, perennial variety produces very few runners (stolons) and is perfect for growing in sunny containers, as a landscape edger, or in the raised garden or rock garden. Plant in a moist but well-drained, slightly acidic, nutrient rich soil amended with organic matter like compost and planting mix. Water well after planting; maintain 1" of water, once a week the first year. Use slow release fertilizer in spring or at planting; reapply midsummer. Mulch 1-2" to suppress weeds and retain soil moisture. Plant with lettuce, spinach, and marigolds; avoid tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, potatoes, and the cabbage (Brassica) family. Cut back plants after fruiting. Divide crowns in early spring.

  • Full Sun
  • 6-12" h x 12-18" w
  • Attracts Butterflies
  • Container Garden

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$39.99 / EA

Product Details

  • Item Number 115662
  • Quantity Available 35

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