Peperomia 'Rippled' 4"

Peperomia 'Rippled' 4"

Peperomia spp.
Also known as Baby Rubber Plant, peperomia is a genus of tropical plants with more than 1,000 known species. All have thick, fleshy leaves that contribute to drought tolerance and vigor. As a houseplant, the low, compact growing, tropical foliage plants vary with watermelon stripes, coarse, rippled foliage or rounded, rubbery leaves. 'Rippled' is a variety known as peperomia caperate that produces heart-shaped, deeply puckered leaves ranging in color from a rich green to hues of red and silver-grey. This diverse plant family grows well in drier, indoor conditions, in mixed planters, or in small pots as a windowsill plant. Grow in medium, indirect lighting 6-8? from a sunny window, middle of a bright room, or in 12-14 hours of fluorescent lighting. Keep soil slightly dry, do not overwater. Supply extra humidity by setting on a shallow tray of moistened pebbles. Feed with a Osmocote or Miracle-Gro at half strength once a month, April to September.

  • Medium to Low Light
  • 6-12" h x 6-12" w
  • Container Garden
  • Pleasing Foliage

$6.99 / EA

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Product Details

  • Item Number 131624
  • Quantity Available 21

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