Feeder Fresh™ Nectar Defender™ 4oz

Feeder Fresh™ Nectar Defender™ 4oz

Nectar Defender protects birds and keeps nectar fresh naturally without artificial preservatives or dyes. Copper, a mineral micronutrient that is a part of hummingbirds' natural diet, allows nectar to stay fresh in your feeder up to two weeks. Simply add one tablespoon per quart of nectar or one capful per cup of nectar. Stir, and pour into a clean feeder.

Proven safe for hummingbirds in long-term studies by University of California Avian Scientists, Cornell University, and used by zoo and wildlife rehabilitation organizations to maintain hummingbird colonies for years. Approved for use by the FDA and USDA, and it is below the level recommended by the Association of Avian Veterinarians.

$8.99 / EA

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Product Details

  • Item Number 6501
  • Quantity Available 61