Areca Palm 6"

Areca Palm 6"

Chrysalidocarpus lutescens
A huge plant family consisting of tropical trees or shrubs with large, compound, evergreen fronds that are arranged at the top of an unbranched stem, palms are commonly used as floor plants in large living spaces. They make excellent "thrillers" in an annual container garden, they can provide shade on a sunny porch or patio over the summer, and they make terrific indoor plants. There are palms that grow best in specific light requirements, too. 'Areca' is one of the most widely-used palms for interior design, offering feathery, arching fronds that each produce up to 100 leaflets. These plants are bold, eye-catching, and often begin as small tabletop plants. Keep soil lightly moist in spring and summer, and allow soil to dry slightly between waterings during fall and winter. Fertilize with a slow-release option as directed on packaging. Re-pot every 2-3 years and provide a tight-fit container.

  • Bright Indirect Light
  • 6-7' h x 2-3' w
  • Container Garden
  • Pleasing Foliage

$12.99 / EA

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Product Details

  • Item Number 15308
  • Quantity Available 4

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