Alocasia 'Maharani' 6"

Alocasia 'Maharani' 6"

Alocasia spp.

Also known as Elephant's Ear, and Taro, Alocasia is a tropical, leathery leafed, tender bulb (corm) plant family that produces shield-shaped foliage that faces up toward the sky. 'Maharani' is a variety that displays distinctive leaves in attractive shades of gray-green that are stiff to the touch and almost prehistoric in appearance. It can be grown outdoors during warm Northeast Ohio spring and summer months, and then transitioned to an indoor houseplant for the cold fall and winter months. Plant in moist soil and containers with other moisture lovers. Grow in sun to part shade. Mulch 2" to suppress weeds, retain moisture, and protect against extremes of soil temperature. Feed with a slow-release fertilizer per label instructions. To store as a dormant bulb, after leaves die in the fall, dig, dry, and store bulbs in a frost-free, dark place (like a basement) in a box with dry peat moss. The following spring, pot up tubers indoors approximately 4 weeks before the last frost.

  • Medium to Bright Indirect Light
  • 2-5' h x 6-24" w
  • Deer Resistant
  • Pleasing Foliage

$24.99 / EA

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Product Details

  • Item Number 137063
  • Quantity Available 1