Neem Max 12oz RTU

Neem Max 12oz RTU

This plant-based product delivers powerful control in four ways: as an insecticide, fungicide, miticide and nematicide. Made with 70% Cold Pressed Neem Oil from the Neem tree, this earth-friendly product brings the well-known benefits of neem to your home and garden. When applied to your growing things, it will serve as an insecticide/miticide in several ways: as a repellent, a suffocant, an anti-feedant and ultimately as an insect growth regulator by disrupting the growth/molting process. Additionally, if an insect gets past all those barriers and manages to ingest it, the neem will poison its stomach. These processes also work to control plant-damaging nematodes, but do not affect Beneficial Nematodes.


  • Controls insects, diseases, mites and nematodes
  • Can be used as a drench or spray
  • Kills eggs, larvae and adults
  • Controls powdery mildew, botrytis, pythium and more
  • Approved for organic gardening

$6.99 / EA

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Product Details

  • Item Number 260
  • Quantity Available 209