Lucky Bamboo 'Lotus' 18-24"

Lucky Bamboo 'Lotus' 18-24"

Dracaena deremensis
This tropical plant member of the Dracaena family originates in Africa, unlike Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) which originates in Asia. Also known as Love Bamboo or Rose Bamboo, Lotus bamboo is recognized by its tightly clustered leaves that appear similar to lotus flowers. Lotus bamboo is slower-growing compared to Lucky bamboo, growing just 6" per year, which makes it a great choice for a decorative living element in the home or office. Grow in medium, indirect lighting 6-8' from a sunny window, middle of a bright room, or in 12-14 hours of fluorescent lighting. Prefers cool to average household temperatures of 55-75 degrees Fahrenheit. Must be kept moist, prefers a couple of inches of fresh filtered or distilled water. For best results, change the water every 2-4 weeks. Supply extra humidity by setting on a shallow tray of moistened pebbles. Feed with indoor houseplant fertilizer at half strength once in spring; repeat in summer, if needed.

  • Medium to Low Light
  • 4-30" h x 2-12" w
  • Pleasing Foliage
  • Low Maintenance

$9.99 / EA

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Product Details

  • Item Number 131564
  • Quantity Available 4