Pothos 'Hawaiian' 6"

Pothos 'Hawaiian' 6"

Epipremnum aureum
Also known as Devil's Ivy, Pothos is a small family of tropical foliage plants that are very similar to Philodendron in that they are easy to grow, even in less-than-ideal environments. Also like Philodendron, they make excellent air purifiers and they grow best trailing from hanging baskets or cascading from pots. 'Hawaiian' Pothos displays vibrant gold and green foliage similar to that of 'Golden' Pothos, only 'Hawaiian' matures to a maximum of 4 feet indoors and its green leaves feature flecks that are more of a creamy yellow than a full yellow. Pothos grows best in medium to low, indirect lighting, so place it 8-10' from windows, in the middle of a dim room, or in low fluorescent lighting. This plant family prefers average household temperatures, 60°-70° F. Keep soil evenly moist to slightly dry. Supply extra humidity by setting on a shallow tray of moistened pebbles. Feed with a slow-release houseplant fertilizer during the April-September growing season. Prune vines to contain length, if desired, or to encourage sideshoots for a fuller, bushier plant.

  • Low to Medium to Bright Indirect Light
  • 12" h x 12-48" w
  • Container Garden
  • Pleasing Foliage

$19.99 / EA

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Product Details

  • Item Number 110867
  • Quantity Available 7