Calathea 'Medallion' 4"

Calathea 'Medallion' 4"

Calathea veitchiana
Calathea is a gorgeous tropical foliage houseplant that is a relative of the Prayer Plant but with larger, oblong to oval, showier leaves, often variegated in several hues of green, white, silver, pink, and purple. It makes an excellent table top plant. 'Medallion' is a variety offering large leaves with a brilliant green pattern on top, and a deep burgundy underside, creating a medallion-resembling effect. When it comes to watering, many Calathea owners find distilled water or collected rainwater is best, given the Calathea family can be sensitive to the chemicals in tap water. If using tap water, simply draw the water from the tap and let it sit in a watering can or container overnight or up to 24 hours before applying it to the plant. Grow in medium, indirect lighting 6-8' from a sunny window, middle of a bright room, or in 12-14 hours of fluorescent lighting. Prefers cool to average household temperatures of 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep soil evenly moist to slightly dry. Supply extra humidity by setting on a shallow tray of moistened pebbles. Feed with a slow-release indoor houseplant fertilizer from April-September per package instructions.

  • Part Shade to Shade
  • 12-24" h x 12-18" w
  • Pleasing Foliage
  • Winter Interest

$12.99 / EA

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Product Details

  • Item Number 134824
  • Quantity Available 2