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Prairie dropseed is a clump-forming, warm season, Ohio native perennial grass which typically occurs in prairies, glades, open ground and along railroads throughout much the midwest. Fine-textured, hair-like, medium green leaves typically form an arching mound. Foliage turns golden with orange hues in fall, fading to light bronze in winter. Open, branching flower panicles appear on slender stems which rise well above the foliage clump in late summer to 30-36" tall. Flowers have a unique fragrance reminiscent of coriander. Tiny rounded mature seeds drop to the ground from their hulls in autumn giving rise to the name. Plant in well-drained, average to poor soil. Water well after planting; maintain 1" of water, once a week the first year. Use slow release fertilizer in spring or at planting. Mulch 1-2" to suppress weeds and retain soil moisture. In general, cut ornamental grasses down as low as possible in late winter. Divide in spring when necessary.