Viola Assorted Bowl 12"

Viola Assorted Bowl 12"

Viola x wittrockiana
Small flowering Violas or Johnny Jump Ups are one of the first spring annuals available in a rainbow of colors and bicolors to choose from with bright, cheerful face markings or blotches. Violas grow best in morning sun and evening shade in cool growing conditions, and are tolerant of frost. They last longest in containers or the garden if planted in autumn for three seasons of color, (fall, winter, and spring), because they may die back in the heat of the summer. Plant in well-drained to moist soil. Fertilize with Osmocote (green cap). Deadhead often for repeat blooming. Cut back when they get leggy in summer and they should reflush for fall. They often reseed themselves, returning in the garden for another season. Combine with other cool tolerant plants like spring bulbs, early blooming perennials, Snapdragons, Dianthus, fall mums, and ornamental kale and cabbage.

  • Sun to Part Shade
  • 3-10" h x 6-12" w
  • Attracts Butterflies
  • Frost Tolerant

$19.99 / EA

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Product Details

  • Item Number 111863
  • Quantity Available 182