Braided Ficus Alii Tree 10"

Braided Ficus Alii Tree 10"

Ficus spp.
Ficus is a huge tropical plant family consisting of numerous trees, shrubs, and vines, including the edible fig. Ficus 'Alii' is a particularly elegant houseplant grown as a tree with long, solid green foliage. Ficus are recognized as air purifiers, cleaning the air of formaldehyde when placed indoors. These plants can be grown indoors year round, or outdoors for the summer and brought back inside for the winter. Grow in bright to medium, indirect lighting from an eastern or northern exposure window, or under fluorescent lighting. Prefers cool to average household temperatures, 60?-70?F. Spray mist regularly and keep soil evenly moist to slightly dry. Supply extra humidity by setting on a shallow tray of moistened pebbles. Feed with Osmocote or Miracle-Gro April-September. Grow indoors over winter.

  • Medium to Bright Indirect Light
  • 1-15'h x 1-5' w
  • Container Garden
  • Pleasing Foliage/em>

$34.99 / EA

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Product Details

  • Item Number 16852
  • Quantity Available 8

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