Geogenanthus ciliatus 6"

Geogenanthus ciliatus 6"

Geogenanthus ciliatus
Part of the Dayflower and Spiderwort family, or Commelinaceae plant family, this plant is native to Ecuador and Peru where it grows on the floor of the rainforest. Here in Northeast Ohio, it is enjoyed year-round as an indoor houseplant. This plant's deep purple and green, stiff, unique foliage is its most remarkable feature, making it an attractive living decoration. New leaves emerge bright green with a purple stripe down the center, and then quickly become almost all dark purple. The leafy undersides are slightly lighter and feature a maroon coloration. It is a low-maintenance, ornamental plant but can be pruned to achieve a fuller, bushier look. Grow in well-draining potting mix and keep soil evenly moist. Provide average household temperatures and bright indirect to medium light, such as 5-6' from sunny windows or in filtered sunlight, in the middle of a bright room, or in 12-14 hours of artificial lighting. Protect the foliage from direct sun rays. This plant appreciates 60-90% humidity, so placing on a humidity tray (pebbles and water) or spray misting regularly will keep foliage fresh and hydrated. Fertilize using a slow-release indoor plant fertilizer during the April-September growing season, per package directions. Re-pot with fresh potting mix in the spring if and when the plant becomes root-bound.

  • Bright Indirect to Medium Light
  • 6-12" h x 12" w
  • Container Garden
  • Pleasing Foliage

$26.99 / EA

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Product Details

  • Item Number 111758
  • Quantity Available 1