Bugleweed 'Black Scallop' 2 Gallon

Bugleweed 'Black Scallop' 2 Gallon

Ajuga reptans

An exciting ajuga with a spreading habit and glossy, dark-as-night leaves that blanket the ground and boast blue flowers in the spring. Robust and hardy, this plant is tolerant of heat and drought, and it creates wonderful fall interest. It will achieve its best foliage color in sunny locations. A knock-out in patio pots, combos, and in the landscape.

  • Sun to Part Shade
  • 10" h x 14"+ w
  • Deer Resistant
  • Groundcover

$12.50 / EA

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Product Details

  • Item Number 91339
  • Reg. Retail Price $24.99
  • Quantity Available 14